Pat Testing Record Template



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Pat Testing Record Template
  1. Pat Test Record Sheet Example
  2. Pat Testing Record Sheet

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EasyPAT — Portable Appliance Testing Software
EasyPAT is used to print Portable Appliance Testing certificates onto plain or company headed paper. EasyPAT produces professional looking certificates quickly and easily. Certificates can be filled in onsite or at the office and then quickly printed or even emailed direct to your client.
All certificates can be printed directly onto plain paper, along with your company logo and electronic signature if required.
A range of certificates can be printed for your records, including an appliance register showing passed and failed items, or print detailed reports showing test results and failed reasons for each appliance. Completion Certificates can also be printed to be given to your customer.

EasyPAT produces the following list of certificates and reports:

Appliance Register Report (Preview)Failed Appliances Report (Preview)Passed Appliances Report (Preview)Passed and Failed Appliances Report (Preview)Passed and Failed Appliances Report (Simple) (Preview)Detailed Appliance Report (Preview)One Appliance Per Page (Preview)Visual Appliances Report (New!)Appliance Notes Report (New!)RCD’s Report (New!)RCD’s Detailed Report (New!)Microwaves Report (New!)Completion Certificate (Preview)Custom Reports Builder — Design your own custom reports (Coming Soon!)A full range of test results can be entered for each appliance which can be seen in the screen shots below. EasyPAT provides many common dropdown menus when adding and editing appliances. This saves you time and effort by not having to type the same information each time. Attachments such as photos can also be added to appliances and printed with your reports if required.

EasyPAT also allows you to configure charge codes and repair prices for each appliance which can then be used to automatically generate an invoice to be printed for the customer. Different pricing schemes can also be setup within the software if you want to set different item prices based on how many appliances are being tested. The screen shots below show both the Test Prices and Repair Prices configured within the software.

EasyPAT also contains support for importing appliance details and test results from files downloaded from the following PAT testers:
Fluke 6500 (*.FLK) filesKewtech KT74 (*.TXT) filesMegger PAT4V (*.ASC) filesMegger PAT420 (*.CSV) files (New!)MemoryPAT (*.CSV) files (New!)Metrel AlphaPat (*.OPT) filesMetrel BetaPat (*.OPT) filesMetrel BetaPat Plus (*.CSV) filesMetrel GammaPAT (*.CSV) filesMetrel OmegaPat (*.OPT) filesRobin 5500 SmartPAT (*.ROB) filesTransmille 6080 (*.TTX) files

EasyPAT Mobile Also Available!
EasyPAT Mobile works with the EasyPAT desktop software to record and input all results direct onto your phone to be then imported into your desktop software.
EasyPAT Mobile saves time and effort by not having to write certificates by hand onsite. You only need to input the information once and you are set. The powerful EasyPAT Mobile wizards walk you through each part of the certificate allowing you to enter the information as you go.
On completion of reports you simply upload certificates over your phones data connection, which can then be instantly downloaded direct into the EasyPAT desktop software. There is no messing around connecting your phone to your computer as everything is wireless making it quick and easy.
Click here for more information on EasyPAT Mobile.
Listed below are some of the additional features also included within EasyPAT.
Email Reports to ClientsSpelling CheckCertificate RemindersAdd Scanned SignaturesValidate AppliancesAdd Company LogoSetup Pricing SchemesImport and Export CertificatesReplace AbbreviationsAdd Comments PagesPrint InvoicesOnline Web BackupOutlook Address Book IntegrationShare Certificates using cloud systemAdd Photograph AttachmentsPostcode lookup systemSave Reports as PDFSupport for IPhone and IPadFind Appliances Quickly and EasilySupport for Android tablets!EasyPAT Customer Care
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Download our comprehensive PAT guide today


Please note that PAT testing has changed due to the new 5th Edition guidance launched in Sept 2020. This guide is still relevant however we recommend viewing our 5th edition webinar to find out about the changes to the 4th Edition, which this guide is based on.

PAT Testing is also easier when there’s a definitive list of equipment to refer to, so it’s worth retaining records for next time around. If your records have been lost, any competent PAT Testing company will provide you will their new records as proof that they have. EasyPAT is used to print Portable Appliance Testing certificates onto plain or company headed paper. EasyPAT produces professional looking certificates quickly and easily. Certificates can be filled in onsite or at the office and then quickly printed or even emailed direct to your client.

2 Pocket guide to PAT testing Forward Following the publication of the Lofstedt report, back in November 2011, it was deemed necessary to look at the burden placed upon businesses due to a legislative over-compliance placed upon them — with a key issue being confusion over Portable Appliance Testing. There’s also a PAT Testing Certificate Template — which is useful if you want to give your customer a single page to certify that they’ve had their equipment PAT Tested. If you’re lucky, your customer will display this in reception, next to the Fire Alarm certificate and their insurance certificates — that way you get some free advertising!

This ‘How to PAT Test’ guide will give you the knowledge to know how to PAT test to the latest IET 4th Edition code of practice.

Our portable appliance testers are the benchmark for the portable appliance testing (PAT) market and are regarded as number one by the industry. Our PAT testing equipment has always been designed with the needs of our customers in mind. Safety in the workplace is of paramount importance and our testers provide the quick and effective key to electrical equipment preventative maintenance programmes.

We have created the Seaward How to PAT Test guidance booklet because of our commitment to the PAT testing industry — Download this useful PAT testing guide today for a handy reference booklet with colour images and easy to digest chapters.

Pat Test Record Sheet Example

What’s in Seaward’s How to PAT Test Guide?

Pat Testing Record Template


This guide outlines the legal requirements and guidance relating to PAT testing and electrical safety including: Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSW 1974), Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, Housing Act 2004 (England and Wales), Housing (Scotland) Act 2006.

Who has responsibility?


This section explains who holds responsibility for PAT testing in the workplace, it explains who is classed as a duty holder and what is expected of them in relation to PAT testing. There is also some responsibility

Competence, Training and Experience

Identify what competence, training and experience is required by the user, the duty holder and the test operative carrying out the portable appliance testing of workplace equipment.

Types of Equipment

This section explains the differences between electrical equipment such as portable equipment and fixed appliances.

Printable pat testing record sheet free

Classes of Equipment Construction

Learn how to determine whether an item is Class I or Class II construction so the correct test is performed.

The Inspection Process

This section details the process visual inspection.

Combined Inspection and Testing Procedure

Understand what to do before and during tests including: in-service, Class I appliances, Class II appliances, fixed appliances, appliance cable sets, extension leads, multi-way adapters and RCD adapters. This section also details how to test hire equipment.

Electrical Tests

This section takes you through the following tests: earth continuity, insulation resistance, alternative or substitute leakage measurement, dielectric strength test (hipot test / flash test), preload check, load test and protective conductor/touch current measurement.

Frequency of inspection and testing based on risk assessment

This section explains in detail, PAT testing frequency based on the IET code of practice for in-service inspection.

Record Keeping

Pat Testing Record Sheet

This section gives recommendations of how to keep your records.

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